15 Foods That Will Put You to Sleep (and Keep You There!)

You probably know at least a couple of tried-and-true tricks for falling asleep faster and getting a better night's sleep — like putting your phone away and not dozing off with the TV on. But there are foods that you can snack on before hitting your pillow that help better than counting sheep! It's not surprising that caffeine and sugar did not make the list, so steer clear of those and nosh on one of these to have you sleeping through the night.

Pexels | Vanessa Loring


Bananas are filled with the natural muscle relaxants potassium and magnesium. In addition, they contain tryptophan, which is converted into serotonin and melatonin to help you sleep all night long.

Pexels | cottonbro


There's actually truth to the idea that warm milk has soothing effects, although experts suspect that psychology has something to do with it. But dairy in general seems to work because calcium has a direct role in melatonin production.

Pexels | Engin Akyurt


It's no wonder you're in serious need of a nap after Thanksgiving dinner! Turkey, chicken, and other poultry are rich in tryptophan, and while it's still unclear if they directly impact sleep, experts say that they can when paired with foods high in carbohydrates.

Dark Chocolate
Pexels | Lisa

Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate gets a bad rep for causing restlessness due to its caffeine content. However, in addition to its other health benefits, it also contains serotonin, which helps you relax.

Tart Cherries
Pexels | Pixaby

Tart Cherries

Studies have shown that tart cherries and cherry juice can help you catch some zzz's. Cherries are a natural source of melatonin, which controls your sleep and wake cycles.

Chamomile Tea
Pexels | Olga Mironova

Chamomile Tea

There's a reason chamomile has been used for ages to help insomnia — because it increases glycine, which relaxes the body and is a sleep-inducer. And sipping on a cup of chamomile tea can do just the trick!

Pexels | freestocks.org


There's something nostalgic about having a late-night bowl of cereal! But if you're looking for a better slumber, reach for a low-sugar variety. The carbs from cereal will help you absorb the effects of tryptophan in the milk.

Peanuts and Peanut Butter
Pexels | Karolina Grabowska

Peanuts and Peanut Butter

Peanuts are filled with niacin (vitamin B3), which promotes the release of serotonin in the body. So spread some protein-packed peanut butter on whole-wheat bread for the perfect before-bed snack.

Pexels | Micheile @visualstories.nl


Oats are packed with melatonin, and the grains raise your blood sugar level, which can make you tired. Mix in a little milk, and you'll surely be snoozing soon.

Pexels | Life Of Pix


We mentioned that milk is a great before-sleep snack, and yogurt is another dairy that works well. Have some low-fat Greek yogurt to reap the snooze-inducing effects of tryptophan!

Cheese and Crackers
Pexels | Ben

Cheese and Crackers

This combo brings together dairy and carbs for the ultimate nighttime snack. The cheese has potassium, which leads to melatonin, and the crackers provide the tryptophan.

Pexels | Naim Benjelloun


Chickpeas are rich in vitamin B6, which helps the body produce melatonin. So if you're not in the mood to roast some chickpeas, just have some hummus with veggies or whole-wheat crackers!

Pexels | Anthony Shkraba


This natural sugar-filled treat raises insulin levels so that tryptophan (which is converted into serotonin and melatonin) can enter the brain more easily and work its sleepy magic. Try dripping a little honey on your Greek yogurt to kick it into high gear!

Pumpkin Seed Powder
Pexels | Vie Studio

Pumpkin Seed Powder

You might not have even known that pumpkin seed powder existed, but it has more tryptophan than a glass of milk. Mix it with applesauce and spread on whole-wheat toast for an unexpectedly yummy and effective snack.

Leafy Greens
Pexels | Jacqueline Howell

Leafy Greens

It always comes back to spinach and kale! These greens are packed with calcium, which helps your body build melatonin from tryptophan. So make a salad for a low-calorie sleeping aid.